Last night I finished Teresa of Avila: The Progress of a Soul by Cathleen Medwick. St. Teresa's life was filled with suffering and illness and doubt. Of all the saints I have read about I identify most with St. Teresa and St. Catherine of Sienna. Both of these women initially and throughout there lives resisted God's call. St. Teresa had the wicked life before answering God and St. Catherine's parents tried to force her to marry and tried to take her faith away from her. I feel drawn and called to these saints. I know what it is to have led a wicked life and to have my parents try and strip me of my faith. They inspire me to keep moving forward with my vocation. If St. Teresa can be not only a nun but a saint then so can I. In her time what she did was wicked and shameful and in my time the things I have done have been wicked and shameful, though many would say what I have done is worse than what she ever did, but given the time periods I would say we are about equal. I, like St. Catherine, have no obeyed my parents wishes for me, instead choosing my own path. I have chosen God over my family. Right now I am reading St. Teresa's Vida. I have not gotten far, but I look forward to reading what her confessors forced her to write in defense of her spirituality. I wish that I had more today, but today has been fairly normal for me. I was offered, by my father, a new car, new clothes and money, but, as usual, these are not the things I want or desire. I have a car and clothes and money. My needs are met and I am happy and content.
Thomas Catherine
Thomas Catherine
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